Genco, Robert J.

Periodontal disease and overall health: a clinican´s guide - 1a ed - Proffesional audience communications, 2010 - 319 p. : il., tbls. ; 27 cm.

Incluye índice alfabético, referencias

Overview of periodontal disease: causes, pathogenesis, and characteristics. --Infection and inflammation. --History of the oral-systemic relationship. --Diabetes mellitus: a medical overview. --Association between periodontal diseases and diabetes mellitus. --Atherosclerosis: a pervasive disease affecting global populations. --Association between periodontal diasease and atheromatous diaseases. -- Periodontal diasease and pregnancy complications. -- Oral health and diseases of the respiratory tract. -- Periodontal disease and osteoporosis. -- Association between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. -- Oral health, periodontitis and cancer. -- Dental and medical comanagement of patients with diabetes. -- Dental and medical comanagement of patients with diabetes. -- Dental and medical comanagement of cardiovascular disease. -- Dental and medical comanagement of pregnancy. -- Dental and medical comanagement of osteoporosis, kidney disease and cancer. -- The role of the proffesional in educating the public about the importance of oral health.




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