Dietrich, Gūnter

General oceanography: an introduction - London: John Willey & Sons, 1963 - 588 p. : il.-- grfs.-- tlbs.--maps

Incluye: Preface.-- bibliography.-- list of sources of figures and charts.-- anthor index.-- subject index.

Topography of the Ocean Bottom.-- sediments of the Ocean Bottom.-- formation of the morphological forms.-- physical and chemical properties of ocean water.-- oceanographic instruments and observational.-- heat budget of the world ocean.-- oceanic distribution of temperature, salinity, density, and ice.-- the budget to substances in the ocean.-- the theory of ocean currents.-- surface and internal waves.-- long waves and tidal waves.-- regional oceanography.


Ciencias de la Tierra

551.46 - Hidrosfera Oceanografķa